
UK ESG jobs market August 2024

Demand for ESG staff has remained relatively stable in the UK following a spike in demand in 2023.  The numbers of ESG vacancies advertised on LinkedIn has fluctuated throughout the year but hovered around the same midpoint of 250 +/- 20 most months this year.

This level of stability is a good thing for the ESG jobs market because Supply and demand can reach a level of equilibrium as more ESG qualified workers enter the workforce in the UK.

If you are hiring for ESG staff, you may want to consider the following tips to help you find the right ESG professional for your team:

  • If you are hiring for ESG staff, you may want to consider the following tips to help you find the right ESG professional for your team:
  • Plan your recruitment process so that it is quick and efficient.  You want to be in a position to secure your preferred candidate when you find them with minimal delay and fuss
  • Make sure offers are compelling and attractive.  The ESG professional is still a relatively new profession in the grand scheme of things, so skills are still held in high regard and making sure you offer a compelling and attractive package will help secure the talent for your business.

If you would like some help planning your go to market message, training your team on positioning your organisation or need some benchmarking done on salaries and packages for your ESG team, then please get in touch with us at