
The importance of rejection

One of the most regular complaints I have heard over 25 years in recruitment is that a candidate has hear nothing back following a job application.  They have gone to the time and effort of writing a tailored cover letter and adapting their CV, or even completing a company’s application form.  Only to hear radio silence.

It leaves a bad taste in the applicant’s mouth and they are unlikely to apply again in the future.  Even if they are the perfect person and the job is perfect for them. 

Research by the HCI even indicates that up to 75% of job seekers never hear anything back from applications and that a staggering 72% would share their negative experiences online.  This hurts your employer brand.

Rejecting candidates kindly and with empathy is important to help your employer brand and future recruitment.  But it doesn’t have to take an age.  Obviously detailed constructive feedback is ideal, but most candidates would be happy to know one way or the other.